There are many different types of pitches in baseball. Each type of pitch has a specific use and can be very effective when used properly. In this blog post, we will take a look at the most common types of pitches and discuss how they are used. We will also provide examples of each type of pitch so that you can see how they are executed. So, let’s get started!
A fastball in baseball is a type of pitch that is thrown very fast, typically around 95-100 miles per hour. Fastballs are the most common type of pitch, and most pitchers have some variation of a fastball in their repertoire. There are two main types of fastball: four-seam and two-seam.
Four-seam fastballs are the fastest and have very little movement, while two-seam fastballs are slower but have more movement. Both types of fastball can be effective when thrown correctly, but each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Learn more about how to throw a fastball, and the difference in 4 seam vs 2 seam fastballs. Also learn how to throw a rising fastball.
One of the most popular and effective pitches is the curveball. A curveball is a pitch that is used to fool hitters and disrupt their timing by changing the direction and angle of the ball from the time it leaves the pitcher’s hand until it reaches home plate. The name “curveball” comes from how the ball curves or breaks down as it approaches home plate.
To throw a curveball, pitchers use different grips, arm motions, and spin rotation to make the ball curve downwards, left, right, or sometimes both. Learn more about how to throw a curveball.
The slider is a pitch that closely resembles a fastball but breaks at the last second, making it difficult for batters to hit. Sliders are often used by pitchers looking to retire batters late in the game, as they can be very effective when thrown with velocity and precision.
To throw a successful slider, pitchers use a similar arm angle and delivery motion to their fastball just until the point they release the ball. When released, the pitcher should have a very firm grip on the ball with the thumb and middle finger and then snap the wrist downward, almost as if snapping your fingers. Learn more about how to throw a slider.
The sinker is one of the most effective pitches a pitcher can throw. It is a fastball with a slight spin that causes it to break downwards, resulting in a high-velocity pitch that drops a few inches at the last minute. This movement fools hitters into thinking they are seeing a regular fastball, when in fact the ball is sinking at an accelerated rate.
The sinker is called such because of the motion it makes as it reaches home plate – breaking downward in a sinking motion due to the spin placed on it during release. When thrown correctly, the sinker is an incredibly difficult pitch to hit, and can be a key weapon in any pitcher’s arsenal. Learn more about how to throw a sinker.
A changeup pitch is an important part of any pitcher’s arsenal. By throwing a changeup, a pitcher can keep hitters off-balance and improve their chances of getting them out. A changeup is thrown with less velocity than a fastball, which can lead to the batter swinging early and missing the ball. Changeups are often referred to as “slow balls” because of their lower velocity.
To throw a successful changeup, pitchers should grip the ball tightly with their thumb and ring finger while applying minimal pressure with their index and pointer fingers. The placement of the fingers will determine how fast the ball will travel. Learn more about how to throw a changeup.
The cutter is a variation of the fastball that is thrown with a slightly different grip. The term “cutter” comes from the movement of the ball, which cuts across the strike zone. Cutters are most effective when they break towards the batter instead of away, and they can be thrown to both left and right-handed batters.
To throw a cutter, pitchers take their normal fastball grip and shift their fingers slightly off center to apply more pressure to the outer edge of the ball with firm pressure coming from the tip of the middle finger. Learn more about how to throw a cutter.
A splitter pitch in baseball is an off-speed pitch thrown like a fastball but with less backspin, which causes the ball to drop sharply as it reaches home plate. The success of the splitter depends on the batter not being able to pick up the spin of the ball.
When releasing a splitter, the location of the hand should be identical to that of the fastball. As a result, the batter is deceived and often swings over the top of the pitch. Learn more about how to throw a splitter.
Throwing a screwball is all about deception. The goal is to make the hitter think the ball is going one way, only to have it break in the opposite direction. While this may sound difficult, the key is to keep your arm motion and release point consistent with a fastball or curveball. This will throw off the hitter’s timing and cause them to misjudge the pitch.
When executed correctly, a screwball can be an incredibly effective weapon in a pitcher’s repertoire. So if you’re looking to add a little extra movement to your pitches, then you’ll want to learn more about how to throw a screwball.
The knuckleball is a unique pitch, often overlooked in today’s baseball world. In the late 20th century, prominent pitchers like Tim Wakefield and Charlie Hough made careers out of mastering the art of throwing the knuckleball.
But what exactly is a knuckleball? It’s a pitch thrown with no spin, causing the ball to have unpredictable movement. The pitcher grips the ball with their fingertips pressing down on their small knuckles, ensuring there will be no spin on release. Learn more about how to throw a knuckleball.
The forkball is a pitch that’s seen far less often on the diamond these days, but it can still be a deadly weapon in a pitcher’s arsenal. Gripping the ball like a splitter but with the fingers spread wide, the forkball creates a “forked” appearance as it heads towards home plate.
And as for its trajectory? Let’s just say it takes a sharp detour on its way to the catcher’s mitt. So why don’t we see this pitch more often? Well, it takes some finesse (and fingers of steel) to throw a successful forkball. Learn more about how to throw a forkball.
The eephus pitch may sound like a made-up term, but it’s actually been used in baseball for a long time. Despite its odd name, which is said to have originated from the fact that it was considered a “nothing pitch,” the eephus can be a lethal weapon in a pitcher’s arsenal.
The grip is the same as a fastball, but the key difference lies in the arm motion and stride – instead of throwing with power, the pitcher lobs the ball in an arc at or above the hitter’s head. Learn more about how to throw a eephus.
The spitball, also known as a “spitter,” is a pitch in baseball that has been illegally altered by the pitcher. This illegal alteration usually involves covering the ball with a foreign substance, like saliva or petroleum jelly, before throwing it towards the batter. The added moisture on the ball causes it to change direction mid-flight, making it harder for the batter to anticipate and hit.
While spitballs have been banned in baseball, there are still some pitchers who use this deceptive technique. Learn more about how to throw a spitball.
One lesser-known pitch is the palmball, which is gripped by hiding the ball in the palm of the hand and released without the middle finger cris-crossing over the top. This causes the pitch to have little spin, causing it to drop and change direction as it approaches the plate.
When thrown correctly, it can be difficult for batters to track and can induce weak contact or even a swing-and-miss. Learn how to throw a palmball.